Sunday, June 26, 2011


Do right and wait on God. Don't push self. Wait on God's due time."
"The most difficult thing we have to do as Christians is to learn to do things God's way."
"Wait on the Lord for vengeance or vindication. It's our job to do right and leave the rest up to God. Be sweet."
"Do well and in due season we shall reap if we faint not."
"I've never know anybody to quit doing wrong when things go bad, but a lot of people want to quit doing good."
"There are no accidents in God's economy. God's running the show."
"You had better do what you do for God's glory, with the Lord, and because you love God."
"Why don't you do NOW what you will wish you had done 100 years from now?"
"When you are right with God - stay right with God."
"Being successful in anything takes patience."
"God never tries a man unless He has something better for him."
"Circumstances ought not to control us, we should control circumstances."
"Have you learned that God knows where you are?"
"Don't feel sorry for Christians. God is a friend of sinners so He will surely take care of us."
"Why does God allow difficulties? To teach us that God is never late and to teach us patience."
"When we reach the point of human despair God can help us."
"God doesn't pay off every Friday."
"A friend of the world is not a friend of God."
"A real friend loves you in spite of your faults."
"A true friend knows all about you and still loves you."
"A friend will be the same behind our back as to our face."
"A friend is one who does something for you with no thought of getting something in return. Not to gain an advantage. Anything we do to gain an advantage is sin."
"A man must show himself friendly to have friends."
"A true friend is one that is concerned that we:
1-Stand right
2-Have right spirit
3-Strive together for the Faith
"A friend will criticize you to your face and fight for you behind your back."
"If we are a friend of God, we will be a friend of God's man."
"Love does not kick a fellow when he's down."
"Don't have 'I' trouble. Don't step on others. Thank others. Build others. Brag on another man's prosperity."
"We ought to tell the good and cover up and forget the bad about others."
"Stay away from those who criticize. Keep company with the positive crowd."
"Our security should not be in our jobs or in our friends."
"You never elevate yourself by stepping on others."
"Hob nob with everyone, not just the upper crust."
"A friend will bear our burden and not want to know the circumstances."
"We are not just to help others that can help us."
"Brag on and be glad for the success of others."
"Train your children to do right and let God take care of the rest."
"Children are like arrows. There are two things to do in shooting an arrow:
1-Putting the tip of the arrow on the target.
2-The correct release."
"We need humility and wisdom to rear our children."
"Listen to your children. Be consistent. Discipline them the right way. Be there when they need you. Develop them and help them meet their goals."
"The rod is mentioned 8 times in Proverbs. Tongue lashings do no good. If you discipline your children and delight in them they will turn our good. If you delight in your children, tell them."
"Be Sensitive to each child. Do not try to fit them into a mold."
"Jot down your child's interests and characteristics."
"Major on the positive things not the negative things."
"What the wife wants most is the heart of her husband, not his gifts. That's the way God is too."
"Your attitude toward your wife reflects how you love the Lord."
"If you are going to rear a good child, you must spend a lot of time with them."
"Do not build your life around the child. The relationship between husband and wife should be stronger than that between the parent and child."
"Mothers and Dads, by the grace of God, train your children for God to love and serve Him aright."
“The world hates a Jew because he can make more money by accident than a gentile can make on purpose.”
“Jerusalem has been overrun 21 times, and it will be overrun one more time.”
“When the rich gets richer, they put more money into the economy.”
“You don’t build a church, you grow one.”
“God’s love is just as great as His wrath.”
“The United Nations wants to tell us what to do as a nation, and wants us to pay the bill.”
“The world does not have the answers to Biblical questions.”
“Reasonable people can usually come to a reasonable conclusion.”
“I’m a nut, but at least I’m on the right Bolt.”
“I may have a crack in my head, but thank God that’s how the Light came in.”
“There has always been a fight over the Authority of the Bible.”
“All wars are fought over two things: Money and Authority.”
“God never puts you in a furnace that he doesn’t have something better for you planned.”
“Do what’s right, not what’s popular.”
“Humility is not something you can see, but sense.”
“Humility is simply not forgetting where you came from, and who you are-a sinner saved by grace.”
“The world’s agenda is to make America a heathen nation, and were right on track.”
“I wouldn’t have a dog that didn’t bark, and I would kill a dog that barked at nothing.”
“Pride is the ruination of young people.”
"It's just as wrong to have God's tithe in your pocket, as it is to have another man's wife in your arms."
"A pastor needs to be a pastor."
"It's better to have not known than to know and not do it."
"When God takes us to the woodshed, there’s blood shed."
"There is nothing wrong with wanting to quit, only when you do quit."
"You’re no better than what it takes to stop you."
"I've never gotten tired of the way, only tired in the way."
"Your salvation is not an accident."
"I've been saved too long to be lost."
"I don't believe God pays attention to marriages before salvation. I believe the starting line for every Christian begins when he is saved."

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